Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Go West, Young Man.

Howdy. It's been quite some time since my last entry. I don't want to say I will definitely be doing these more frequently, but I really want to do these more frequently. I feel the therapy of exposing myself (snicker) is worth the time writing and more importantly, the introspection...

Friday, October 28, 2011

What's new?

We went on a cruise a few weeks ago, and it was a blast. We haven't had time to post any pictures yet but trust me it was beautiful. [picture]  <so pretty!!  [picture] <this was so much fun [picture] <this tasted amazing!!  You get the picture.
It's getting cooler outside which means one thing.
Okay, not really, but that means it's getting closer to the time when I get to see family. I'm excited about that.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Long Weeks' End.

Well, it's Friday, and I'm glad to see her come this time. Thursdays are usually my favorite day of the week, as I always scheduled my college classes Monday-Thursdays. So I knew when thursdays were done, it was the week-end.... School boy days are past now, and the paper-pushing, working for the man (now the week-end) days have come.

Oddly i still don't want to be a grown-up though. People ask us why we don't have any kids yet. I tell them If I KNOW I'm not physically, mentally, and most importantly spiritually ready, why subject myself, my wife and most importantly my child to my imperfections.... 
Cool Racing Stripe

Yes, It is called the Buddy...

I've been trying to ride my scooter as much as possible. As some of you know, I recently purchased a motor scooter to get around the city. It's ridiculously economical and so much fun to drive. I really didn't want a new car, so I'll keep my old 170,000 mile Camry and commute on the scoot!

This is my birthday week-end, well, it's Monday, but we'll be celebrating on Saturday. For some reason, I turn into a 9 year old when it comes to birthdays, getting mail, and going to sporting events.... If you live near me and want to join in on Saturday, we'll be going to Chuys on 281....

Thanks for reading interwebs.

Thursday, September 8, 2011